W dniach 04-25.05 oraz 04-13.06 w ramach specjalności "Animacja" na kierunku "Projektowanie gier i przestrzeni wirtualnej" (Wydział Sztuki i Nauk o Edukacji) zostaną zrealizowane przez profesora wizytującego Erica Olivaresa wykłady (online) oraz warsztaty (w formie stacjonarnej) pod wspólnym tytułem "VISUAL COMMUNICATION PROJECTS”.
Description: creativity and design methodology in visual communication interactive projects
- Course introduction and presentations
- Graphic Design Thinking
- Double Diamond Methodology
2.- DESIGN AND INTERACTION. Integral project: Print media, interactive media (applied to an object or environment).
- Theory and methodology.
- Research
- Visual Interface. Design and development
- UX. Design and development
- Visual Identity. Design and development
- Preparation of prototypes and slideshows
- Final presentations.

Graphic designer, illustrator and newmedia artist.
It has several awards for his work, as the 14th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw/Poland, the Madrid Film Awards 2022, the Quorum Awards, in electronic media design (Mex), a! Design Excellence Award/Mex, and other international design awards in America and Europe, being part of the collection of museums and institutions like the Museum of Design in Zurich/Switzerland, the Poster Museum of Warsaw/Poland, the National Syndicate of Graphic Designers of Paris/France, the Beijing Design Week/China the International Biennial of the Poster in Mexico, the Moravian Gallery in Brno/Czech Republic, the Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition – Colorado State University/USA, the Museu del Disseny Barcelona/Spain, the poster collection of Design Museum in Tehran/Iran, among others.
Involved in several international conferences and design biennials and design events, as well as universities in Mexico, America, Europe and Asia (speaker in the 22nd International Biennale of Graphic Design Brno 2006, jury at the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, at the 2009 Taiwan International Design Competition and the 10th and 13th Bienal Brasileira de Design Gráfico /Brazil, the Italian Poster Biennial, BICeBé Bolivia, Poster for Tomorrow, Plakat Fest´19/Poland, LAG Festival of Art and Independent Games. Creative Europe Program/Poland, IDEEC International Design Education Expo & Conference. San Jose State University, California /USA, and others).
His work has been exhibited at the International Nagoya Design Center (JP), Missouri State University (US), Academy of Fine Arts Sarajevo (BA), Casa de América_Madrid (ES), Festivale des Arts Electriques Champ Libre (CA), Up and Coming_ International Film Festival Hannover (DE), 4th Video Biennial (MX). Transmediale_Berlin (DE), Muu Media Festival Helsinki (FI), Ibero-American Film Festival in Montreal (CA), Antresola Gallery (PL), Dydo Poster Gallery Krakow (PL), and the KSBDA Korea Society of Basic Design & Art (KR), 2nd. International Electronic Art Festival Interferences. Belfort (FR), JAL04|Latin American Digital Art Conference in Barcelona. Caixa Forum, Barcelona (ES), International Symposium on Creative New-media Performance. Shanghai Virtual Performing Art Lab. Shanghai Teatre Academy (CN), among others.
Collaborate as academic consultant and design profesor for several Universities and Design Institutions worldwide, in countries like: Spain, Germany, France, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Italy, Mexico, USA, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, India,Taiwan and China.
He is a member of the ADC*E /Art Directors Club Europe, the AtyPI / Association Typographique Internacional (Switzerland), the Spanish Typographic Collective Lletraferits, and is a founding member of the AMT / Mexican Association of Typography.
Makes strategic design, graphic & visual communication projects, multimedia and new media art, from his studio based now in Mexico City.